Prismatic Artivist Residency

Artivist (noun): [An] artivist (artist+activist) uses [their] artistic talents to fight and struggle against injustice and oppression—by any medium necessary.

-M.K. Asante

Prismatic Artivist Residency
Rooted and Rise Fund
Rooted and Rise Fund

Prismatic Artivist Residency

Artivist (noun): [An] artivist (artist+activist) uses [their] artistic talents to fight and struggle against injustice and oppression—by any medium necessary.

-M.K. Asante

Capacity Building

Peer Learning

General Operating Support

Prismatic Artivist Residency
Prismatic Artivist Residency
Prismatic Artivist Residency

We believe in the unprecedented transformative power of artivism—artistic activism that challenges injustice through creative expression.

The Prismatic Artivist Residency program embodies our commitment to this practice across North and South Carolina. Selected artivists and artivist organizations/collectives receive a two-year residency under our fund, empowering them with:

$50,000 General Capacity Grant over two years

Organizational Support from a dedicated Cypress Fund staff member

Bi-Monthly Check-Ins

1-2 Planning and Skills-Building Retreats

Bi-Monthly Cohort Meetings

This residency empowers artivists to leverage their creativity as a force for social change, amplifying their impact within the movement ecosystem of the Carolinas.

Group of multicultural friends singing and having a good time.

Learn More

Prismatic Residency is not accepting new applications. We are currently revising and redeveloping the fellowship. When the fellowships open a new application, we will announce it at least 6 months before the deadline. Please follow us on social media to learn more about our work.